Heaven " If you do not follow your " free-spirit" you will always be enslaved. You will always live in a cage"
The Rebel:- 😀😀
i think every one wants to be a " free- spirit", but what does that really mean?.
i ask the question because :-.
a) i decided i would not give the religiouse organisation i belonged to the power to force me to rebel within its organisation, when the " free-spirit" inside me no longer wanted to be controlled by this religion.. b) i now realise the " free-spirit" within me that demanded independence from w.t control has also come with great consequences, which has now made the price of my liberation seem shallow.. anyway i am not well educated, but i do now appreciate the psychological and emotional consequences my actions have had on my family, and friends.
Heaven " If you do not follow your " free-spirit" you will always be enslaved. You will always live in a cage"
The Rebel:- 😀😀
i know many jws that state that the watchtower corporation is the 'closest to the truth'.
thus they quiet their cognitive dissonance.. i don't have access to a corporation library any more.
is this a stance that the watchtower corporation has actually claimed?.
You ask a very good question Punk, and to answer your question if you look up the watchtower April 15th 1955,when the governing body answered members questions, they did claim to be " The nearest to the truth"
Q ) Do you know where babies come from?
Governing body ( A) Not telling.
Then the G.B were asked to answer these questions " The nearest to the truth"
A) Are you nothing more than evil minded little creeps.
B) Are you nothing more than evil minded creeps that protect child molesting little creeps.
Governing body:-
A) Well if we are not under a lie detector the answer is A " we are nothing more than evil minded little creeps, and if we are being totally honest please tell us where do babies come from?
The Rebel.
i think every one wants to be a " free- spirit", but what does that really mean?.
i ask the question because :-.
a) i decided i would not give the religiouse organisation i belonged to the power to force me to rebel within its organisation, when the " free-spirit" inside me no longer wanted to be controlled by this religion.. b) i now realise the " free-spirit" within me that demanded independence from w.t control has also come with great consequences, which has now made the price of my liberation seem shallow.. anyway i am not well educated, but i do now appreciate the psychological and emotional consequences my actions have had on my family, and friends.
I think every one wants to be a " free- spirit", but what does that really mean?
I ask the question because :-
A) I decided I would not give the religiouse organisation I belonged to the power to force me to rebel within its organisation, when the " free-spirit" inside me no longer wanted to be controlled by this religion.
B) I now realise the " free-spirit" within me that demanded independence from W.T control has also come with great consequences, which has now made the price of my liberation seem shallow.
Anyway I am not well educated, but I do NOW appreciate the psychological and emotional consequences my actions have had on my family, and friends. This post is not looking for sympathy, and having done a full self- examination of my actions and in spite of everything, I am still actually relieved I followed my " free-spirit"
So why the thread?
Because I think if we look inward, and rational and if we try to live by our own standards and beliefs, we must still respect the boat with the failing engine of those navigated by false beliefs, So being a " free spirit" is great, but not if we expect a fantazy ending.
It is from the acceptance of powerlessness, that I now see individuals not on religious, physical, economic, social or intellectual truth, but as individuals. You can call me a fool, but this is my responce to my once having been held captive by Watchtower controlled thinking.
Or rather maybe I should say I have learnt all opinions and beliefs should be valued rather than petulant self assertion answers that "i am right" and "you are wrong" statements.
I say this because........
The Rebel.
hey, i just thought i let you guys know about these two books i read:jehovah's witnesses, what lies behind the truththe watchtower society, organizational misbehaviorboth books by gabriel h ibarra.
Thanks for the links Blondie.
I think books exposing the watchtower have limitations in the message they convey, because of:-
A) Cost.
B) The degree they inform is more the authors self-assertion than facts that can be questioned.
Also we now have websites like this which I believe have:-
A) Greater education.
B) Come free of charge.
C) And subject to the moderating of the site owner, offer people greater psychological help in coming to terms with the damaging effects of discovering a life spent in a cult than a book can ever do. So in my opinion books of this nature and the information contained in them quickly become "dated" and reach a smaller audience than the platform this site gives our voice.
The Rebel.
but i now firmly believe the internet will conquer the watchtower.
i say this because before the internet such educational truth had to be searched for in books and the authority of the author was often held with suspicion.
so i think the important questions should now be:-.
My personal observation is that discovering T.T.A.T,T can result in a luck of self-confidence and self esteem.These feelings of insecurity in a belief can result in a poster coming across as arrogant, when inwardly they are very insecure and not emotionally ready to fully accept or challenge their belief in God and the bible.
I therefore firmly believe praising the effort people are making in accepting facts, is more healthy than concentrating on a few comments they may have made which can't be substantiated. I say this because I believe balancing realism with confidence takes time, particularly when a person is inwardly insecure, and is coping with also discovering T.T.A.T.T.
The Rebel.
what do they contribute to humanity?
what do they contribute to any part of society?.
why are people paying for a scam?.
WireRider:- " Why do people just give their money to the Watchtower?"
The REBEL:- I will first provide a positive responce to the question. In the Uk:-
A) Giving in general is declining in congregations.
B) The average annual amount of money per publisher is declining.
C) I would also assume that with the decrease in distribution and size of the magazines, the money received from the door to door activity is decreasing.
Now the negative responce:-
What angers me is all the property the society inherits rather than family homes being a family inheritance.
The Rebel.
Cofty to Perry " What books that present the scientific evidence of evolution have you read?
Are you ever going to answer this question?
The Rebel (A) You have asked " Perry" an objective question, and in your logical world that requires an answer that revolves around "his" intellect. Yet in my opinion " Perry" believes in a world of hope and faith, which your intellect, scientific evidence and logic won't accept. Maybe books that present scientific evidence of evolution have as much truth to " Perry" as books on faith and hope would to you. So to be fair and balanced:-
What latest books on faith and hope have you read in the last 5 yeas?
The Rebel.
but i now firmly believe the internet will conquer the watchtower.
i say this because before the internet such educational truth had to be searched for in books and the authority of the author was often held with suspicion.
so i think the important questions should now be:-.
pbrow " I have regular discussions with family members about the injustice,errors and outright lies the watchtower perpetrates but they outright refuse to search things out on the Internet and read apostate materials"
The Rebel (A) I believe If the Internet does not destroy parents faith in the Watchtower, it will destroy their children's faith ( I only hope It's not an overlapping generation of children :-) )
The Rebel.
but i now firmly believe the internet will conquer the watchtower.
i say this because before the internet such educational truth had to be searched for in books and the authority of the author was often held with suspicion.
so i think the important questions should now be:-.
but I now firmly believe the Internet will conquer the Watchtower. I say this because before the Internet such educational truth had to be searched for in books and the authority of the author was often held with suspicion.
So I think the important questions should now be:-
A) What websites help.
B) What websites are counter productive.
C) How seriously do we appreciate the privalige this site gives us personally" to defeat the Watchtoer and help lurkers?
I have many opinions on this, but I must say I appreciate the platform this site has given me to help educate those doubting the watchtower. I also firmly believe if I was a doubting witness the last two weeks on this site have shown me what an attractive and friendly place of education apostate sites can be.
The Rebel.
john cedars has posted his latest blog "the trouble with apostates (and why it shouldn't put you off becoming one)".
i acknowledge that he is entitled to his opionin just as we are ours but i am disappointed in some of his comments.. at this stage i'll try to be objective about it.
he is defending his own position after all.. what bothers me most is his comments about athiests and christians which he seems to identify as being in conflict with each other.
In my wanderings to find myself having left the " truth" I can recount how I found a personal relationship with God. It was wonderful. Now I am an athiest, and as I look back on my journey and how I passed through those stages, I realise I never deceived myself, I was always sincere. And I wouldn't expect anything less from those that believe in God. Just a different less earthly form of seeing the world.
If the above comments seem irrelevant to this thread, it's because l meant to post them on another thread....
The Rebel